My First Article in English Workshops/ Mein erster Artikel auf Deutsch


Participation in the workshop will improve knowledge of how to write an abstract, correctly construct the various parts of a scientific article, use vocabulary and grammatical structures appropriate for an academic writing style, and avoid the most common mistakes made when writing in English or German.

Recruitment is open until March 15, 2024, and is done via email, by sending your application to the following email address: The application should include your name, status (student/doctoral candidate), field of study and year of study/area of study/doctoral school. Qualification for the workshop is determined by the order of applications.

1 Call for applications:


2 Description of the competition

February 26, 2024 marks the beginning of the next edition of the project of the University Center for Foreign Languages in cooperation with the Center for Specialized Languages in Medicine at the Medical College – a series of free language workshops. The proposal is aimed at second-year undergraduate students, fifth/sixth year students of unified master’s degree programs and doctoral students of the Medical College. The workshops will begin in late March/early April. They will be held remotely on the MS Teams platform or stationary, depending on the decision of the instructor and participants. The goal of the workshop is to provide participants with the practical knowledge necessary to write and publish an article in English or German.

Within the framework of the workshop, it is envisaged to launch class groups in English, aimed at representatives of the following areas of science:

1) Humanities, Theological and Artistic Sciences,

2) Social Sciences,

3) Science and Natural Sciences,

4) Medical Sciences

5) Group with German language.

Participation in the workshop will improve knowledge of how to write an abstract, correctly construct the various parts of a scientific article, use vocabulary and grammatical structures appropriate for an academic writing style, and avoid the most common mistakes made when writing in English or German.

In addition to the 10-hour workshop, participants will receive two 1-hour individual consultations dedicated to analyzing the draft and final versions of the article.

The course and consultations will be conducted by lecturers from the University’s Foreign Language Center and the Center for Specialized Languages in Medicine with extensive experience in specialized language classes at UMK departments.

We hope that the workshop will result in valuable publications in foreign languages.

Recruitment is open until March 15, 2024, and is done via email, by sending your application to the following email address: The application should include your name, status (student/doctoral candidate), field of study and year of study/area of study/doctoral school. Qualification for the workshop is determined by the order of applications.

Upon completion of the recruitment process, those who qualify for the workshop will be informed by email.

The workshop is funded by the IDUB fund.

3. Documentation:

  • Rules

4. Contact:

dr Anna Olkiewicz-Mantilla, e-mail:

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